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LibCal for Libraries - Your Calendaring Solution

LibCal Authentication Options

LibCal seamlessly integrates with LibAuth, our authentication layer, enabling libraries to fine-tune and customize access permissions so the right user groups can access the right LibCal resources.

When the "Who" Is Important


How Does Authentication Work in LibCal?

LibAuth Works with the Following Protocols

  • SAML (including Shibboleth, ADFS, Okta, and OpenAthens), with quick setup options for InCommon and UK Federation members
  • CAS
  • LDAP
  • OAuth 2
  • Google OAuth 2
  • Microsoft OAuth 2
  • SIP2
  • SirsiDynix Symphony
  • SirsiDynix Horizon
  • Innovative Polaris
  • Your own self-hosted configuration (as long as it can return a text or JSON response)

Connect Your Authentication Protocol to LibAuth

  • LibAuth allows you to securely integrate your institution's authentication system with all Springshare Tools, including LibCal. So you only need to configure it once and it'll work across multiple Springshare Tools.
  • Configure multiple authentication layers if needed.
  • Use LibAuth for both staff Single Sign-On (SSO) or user authentication... or both!

Add User Group-Specific Permissions

  • Some configuration types—including SAML, CAS, OAuth 2, Google, and Microsoft—support group permissions.
  • These are optional rules that LibCal supports can use to restrict bookings to specific users or groups of users.
    • For example, only law school students can reserve study rooms in the Law Library or only staff can reserve the conference room.

Activate LibAuth Settings Inside LibCal

Within each LibCal's module, activate granular LibAuth group so that the desired patron groups have access to the right resources.

  • Events - decide which patron groups will have access to which calendars.
  • Spaces & Seats - restrict undergraduates from booking Spaces in the Graduate Student Library.
  • Equipment Booking & Museum Passes - prevent YA and children from booking heavy machinery or makerspace equipment.
  • Appointments - only Law School Students can book an appointment with a Law Librarian.