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SpringyNews: Break the Febru'weary Cycle

February 2018

5 Tips for Saving Time with Springshare Tools

February might seem like a short month, but your project list doesn't know that. Here are some great ways you can save time (and your sanity) using Springshare tools.

Because as Dr. Seuss once said, "How did it get so late so soon?"

​ LibCal Timesaver Tip: Create an Event Template

An event template allows you to create blueprints for new events. If you find yourself creating similar types of events, such as events with the same times, campus, description, etc., you can create an event template to save all of that information.

Then, when you create those types of events in the future, you won't have to retype or copy & paste that same info over and over. It can be a huge time saver!

To create and manage your event templates go to LibCal > Admin > Calendars > Event Templates.

LibWizard Timesaver Tip: Use System-Level Look & Feel Changes


Customize the default page header, set your system custom colors and fonts, load your site in HTTPS and encrypt form data. To get started, Go to Admin > System Settings.


  • Default Page Header: Create a custom header that can display at the top of each form, survey, quiz, and tutorial. Set it once and be done! 
  • Custom Colors and Fonts: Customize the default font styles and page colors, which apply to all forms, surveys, quizzes, and tutorials. Content owners can choose to stick with the defaults, or set their own styles.
  • HTTPS and Encrypted Form Data: 
    • HTTPS: Force all admin and public LibWizard pages to load over a secure HTTPS connection. This ensures all submissions remain secure and private. We strongly recommend enabling this, as most web browsers will warn users that pages containing form fields are not secure when loaded over HTTP.
    • Encrypted Form Data: Enable encryption for all user submission data. Provide an additional layer of security for all submission data stored on Springshare's servers.

Check-out these features by going to LibWizardAdmin > System Settings.

LibInsight Timesaver Tip: Use Gate Counts Widgets


Create a widget that student workers can use to enter gate counts, without having to give them actual user accounts in your LibInsight system. This saves you time, because you don't have time to save ;)


System Admins can create widgets and APIs by going to Admin > Widgets and APIs.

Four Widget Types:

  • URL-based - Standalone webpages where people can enter data.
    • Tip: Add friendly URLs and bookmark them for easy reference.
  • Embeddable popup - Create links that, when clicked, launch the data entry form in a small popup window.
    • Tip: Only use these for short / abbreviated forms.
  • In-page iframe - Embed the entire data entry form into a webpage or LibGuide.
    • Tip: These are great for embedding in a staff intranet!
  • Side button - Tab-style widgets that hang out on the side of your browser window. When clicked, they launch the data entry form.

Create LibInsight Widgets > Admin > Widgets & APIs.

​ LibAnswers Timesaver Tip: Set Up Alert Triggers


Alert triggers direct you to older tickets that need to be looked at. Maybe because you forgot about a pending / open ticket, or perhaps it got buried. Alert triggers do the remembering for you, and remind you of those open tickets so you can spend time thinking about more important stuff!


Three Types of Alerts Triggers:

  • Number of unclaimed tickets: An alert will be sent when your chosen number of unclaimed tickets occur over the period of time you specify.
  • Keywords: An alert will be sent when any keywords you have defined in the alert are found in a new ticket.
  • Reminders: Automatic reminder emails that can be set up for either  a custom list of email addresses, or to individual ticket owners, to alert/remind them. (Note: this cannot be set up for SMS numbers)

Set Up Alert Triggers > LibAnswers > Admin > Queues > edit your queue > Notifications tab.

​ LibStaffer Timesaver Tip: Use Shift Claiming and Auto Scheduling


Shift Claiming: Have staff do shift claiming to save YOU time. If there are open shifts for the taking, staffers will see an Open Shifts tab on the LibStaffer Dashboard.

These will include shifts given up by staffers, or shifts that have not yet been filled by your schedule admin.

To claim an open shift:

  • Click the Open Shifts tab in the My Upcoming Shifts box.
  • Find the shift that you want to claim, and click on the blue Take Shift button. That's it!


Auto Scheduling: Take advantage of Auto Scheduling to quickly fill shifts. LibStaffer prevents schedule hiccups by remembering everything... so you don't have to!

Along with filling shifts, it will:

  • Determine the user's availability (including working hours, time off requests, and scheduling conflicts)
  • Avoid scheduling users on holidays (as set up under Admin > Holidays)
  • First try to fill shifts with your favored users
  • Prevent users from exceeding their maximum number of weekly or monthly hours
  • Prevent users from being assigned back-to-back shifts