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SpringyNews: Tech the Halls!

December 2014

Spruce Up Your LibAnswers - Inside & Out!

Troll Query Spy in merry measure.
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Fill my Knowledge Base with FAQ treasure!
Fa la la la la la la la la.

Spruce, it's not just the most popular tree at this time of year but also a verb to define what you're doing within your homes, and of course, inside your libraries

These ideas will make it easy for you to spruce up your LibAnswers system, inside and out.


From the Mouths of Patrons - Query Spy

Your Query Spy is a veritable treasure trove--look into the minds of your patrons.

libanswers query spy

  • What are they searching for?
  • What do they need help with?
  • What terms are they using?
  • When are they searching your system?
  • What are the results of their searches?

Stop trying to guess what your patrons need and instead mine your Query Spy for potential FAQs. From their virtual mouths to your virtual ears, you'll be able to add FAQs to the knowledge base that speak to their exact reference needs.

calendar iconTip: set a calendar reminder to review your Query Spy data monthly. This way, you're always reviewing the freshest patron data.

LibAnswers SMS Scavenger Hunt Using Automated Keywords!

Everyone loves playing games, and turning an educational experience into a game is a win-win for everyone. Create a scavenger hunt in and around your library using SMS automated keywords. Here's how:

SMS automated keywords

  • Create a series of SMS automated keywords under Admin > SMS > Automated Keywords. 
    Tip: Try using one-word keywords that are easy to remember and to type.
  • Each keyword should be a clue leading to the next clue.
    For example, an SMS Keyword of 'Wizard' would contain this clue, "This popular children's series contains a glasses-wearing wizard and his two besties, a goody two shoes and a red-haired oaf. Go to the stacks and find the first book in this 7-book series for your next clue."
  • Remember, each SMS Keyword can have a total of 300 characters, split across two 150-character SMS messages.
  • Start everyone at the same location and be sure to give them your LibAnswers SMS/Texting Number and their first automated keyword. They'll text in the first word, get their first clue, and be off! 

address bookTip: Encourage patrons to save your SMS number to their address book! This way, they can text you anytime they have future reference interactions!

Create a Custom LibChat Widget for Post-Instruction Feedback

With LibChat, you can create an unlimited number of chat widgets. Encourage real-time and anonymous feedback using the following steps:

libanswers making a ticket out a chat exchange

  • Build a 'Feedback' LibGuide and share the URL with everyone in your Instruction Sessions
  • Add a custom LibChat widget to your Feedback LibGuide
  • Encourage patrons to submit feedback, questions, comments, and thoughts on their instruction session.
    Tip: Go one step further and include a LibSurveys Feedback Form for asynchronous feedback
  • Create a Canned Message so that you can easily send a "Thanks for your feedback on today's training session!" with minimal effort.
  • If the patron needs additional help, turn your chat interaction into a LibAnswers Ticket for easy post-chat follow up!