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Springshare Solutions For Your Public Library

Library staff everywhere are sought-after resources for patrons needing scheduled assistance.  If your patrons are making appointments for passport acceptance, notarizing documents, research help, or anything else, LibCal makes scheduling those appointments easy.


Two ways to schedule with LibCal

Use the Appointment Booker

LibCal's Appointment Booking feature is perfect for when you have more than one type of appointment, more than one place in the library where the appointments will be happening, or a changing schedule based on staff availability.

Book Appointments with Spaces

LibCal Spaces is ideal when you don't have multiple types of appointments, when they'll be in one dedicated space, and when your appointment hours are fixed and don't depend on a specific staff member being there.

(Do you need your meeting room for passport applications from 2-6 PM but available for groups to reserve the rest of the time?  You can set that up, too.)

  •  Using the Online Booking widget, your patrons can choose their preferred appointment from your team's availability.  No more double-booking, and no more cluttered phone lines with calls for appointments.

  • You create custom confirmation and reminder emails.  Give your customers directions for arriving, and remind them what they need to prepare and bring for their appointment.

  • Integrated statistics give you at-a-glance information about how many appointments have been made and kept, helping with scheduling and reporting.

For more information on this, or how Springshare products help meet the needs of public libraries in other ways, contact Public Library Sales Manager Brian Walton at or (813) 389-6594.