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SpringyNews: Short & Sweet

February 2015

Do More. In Less Time.

Spring Sharing

Check out all live LibGuides v2 systems by going to > Products > LibGuides v2.

There are 775 members of the LibGuides v2 group in the Springshare Lounge. Join today!

View all our latest Buzz videos, including Springy Tech Tip videos, under Buzz Video Highlights

Did you know that LibAnswers v2 and LibCal v2 have dedicated community sites? 

The shortness of February reminds us that there is no time like the present. This edition of Springy News has plenty of ideas to help you maximize your most precious commodity.

Start off with our Librarians without Borders interview, where one librarian helped a rural, underfunded Nepalese Library build a website. Then learn how you can save time and increase efficiency with our Springy Tips & Tricks and Springy Tech Tip Video on Organizing LibGuides Content.

Streamline your day with our LibCal tips and check out our LibCal Authentication Setup Tool, designed to help you quickly route users through your preferred authentication layer.

Don't miss our latest LibGuides v2, LibAnswers v2, and LibSurveys updates and sign up for our upcoming training sessions in March & April. We're now offering E-Reserves training! Reserve your spot today. </pun>

If you're heading to ACRL in March, consider submitting an ACRL Flash Presentation proposal! If you're doing something cool with Springy Tools, there's no time like the present to show it off. 

Remember, time is short - stop and smell the LibGuides. ;)