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LibAnswers for Libraries - Your Communication Platform

Universal Inbox with Powerful Ticketing Functionality

Route all library questions into one place with robust ticketing functionality to track the status of all patron questions.

Provide Excellent Customer Service Across All Your Communication Channels


How Does the Helpdesk Ticketing Functionality Work?


Connect Multiple Communication Channels

A central dashboard aggregates all communication channels into one smart inbox:

  • Your Email Address - Route your existing library's known email address into LibAnswers for easy answering, collaboration, and status monitoring.
  • Multiple Email Addresses - Have more than one email address for different departments or branches? Route as many as you need into the LibAnswers dashboard for easy answering and stats-gathering.
  • SMS / Texting - Connect an existing library SMS number or request a new one from us!
  • Customizable Question Form - Customize our in-house question form and embed it on all your 'Contact Us' webpages.
  • LibChat - Does a live chat need to be taken offline for follow-up? Turn a chat into a ticket for additional follow-up with the patron.

Create Communication Queues

Each LibAnswers queue has one customizable question form, email routing, and SMS / Texting number.

If you need multiple email routing for different library departments or services, add additional LibAnswers queues.

For Each Queue:

  • Control Who Can See (and Answer) Patron Questions - Reference librarians don't need to see questions for Archives, and Circulation librarians don't need see (or answer) ILL questions. Reduce signal-to-noise ratio by controlling who has access to what.
  • Macros for Fast (and Best!) Answers - Ensure high-quality and consistent service with Macros. These 'best' answers can contain auto prefilled information, including the patron's name!
  • Email Templates - Customize automated email templates for each ticketing queue.
  • Notifications - Ensure only the staff who need to be alerted of new questions are sent notifications.
  • Quality of Service Metric - For each queue, enable and customize the quality of service metric. Turn on a user satisfaction survey for your Reference Queue but not your Archives Queue.

Staffers Customize Their Answering Process

Tools that empower staff to answer and collaborate on questions:

  • Dashboard Views - Create 'saved filters' that customize the list of tickets that appear on the dashboard. This makes it faster and easier for staffers to jump to specific lists of questions.
  • Ticketing Macros - Staff can create their own 'best answer' macros or reuse admin-created ones.
  • Unique Email Signatures - Staffers' customizable email signatures will appear on tickets they answer.
  • Real-time Collaboration - Staff can see, in real time, who else is viewing that same question. Leave internal Notes for enhanced collaboration.
  • Assign/Transfer - Reassign tickets to another staffer and CC others on the process.

Patrons Enjoy a Seamless Experience

However patrons communicate with you, they'll never know you're using LibAnswers:

Whether they send in a text-message from their phone or an email from their Gmail inbox, they'll get a reply to that same channel.

They'll never know you're not texting them back from a dedicated smartphone or answering them directly from your inbox.


More Tools To Make Answering Tickets Faster & Easier


Tag tickets for categorization & data-mining

Route tickets to other users and ticketing queues

Send files, pictures, and media as part of your answer

Add internal notes for tracking a question's history

Statistics & Privacy-Protecting Functionality


Comprehensive Privacy Scrubbing removes all Patron-Identifiable Information (PII) while leaving relevant metadata for statistics gathering.

Each ticketing queue comes with Detailed Statistics like turnaround time, ticket volume comparison, quality-of-service metrics, and more.