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LibAnswers for Libraries - Your Communication Platform

Statistics & Data That Highlight Usage

LibAnswers has detailed statistics in each module, enabling administrators to get an in-depth insight and understanding of how your services are being used.

Get the Whole Picture with LibAnswers Statistics


Reference Q's Up? LibChats Increasing? Trends in FAQs?

In-depth statistics arm you with the data you need to make decisions, make your case, and make your institution better for your community.

Granular Usage Data

Get detailed statistics on every area inside the LibAnswers system including:

  • FAQ Knowledge Base Growth - With user votes, public views, and comments plus Query Analyzer.
  • Ticket Statistics - Including breakdowns by Email, Social Media, SMS, and Question Form.
  • SMS / Texting Statistics - With send / receive distributions broken down by hour, day, and month.
  • Reference Analytics - Analyze transactions by metadata values, timeframe, and more.
  • Quality of Service Metrics - Get detailed turnaround times, time to first reply, and user ratings.
  • NPS® Reports - Gauge how satisfied patrons are with your services over time.

Historical Totals

View the historical totals of your LibAnswers traffic across all your channels since the beginning.

Referring URL Report

Gives you a view of all the other webpages where your users are finding your LibAnswers content.

Source & Form Fields

View detailed source statistics as well as internal tags by ticket. For example, view all your LibChats (Source) that were tagged 'About the Library' (Tag). Source and Form Fields provide in-depth information on the types of questions patrons are asking across all your different communication channels.


Additional Stats & Reporting Features

Answerer statistics gives detailed stats on your answerers

FAQ Votes shows Yes / No votes with sorting options on overall score

Downloadable / Printable charts and graphs to add to your narrative reports

Export CSV data for further manipulation or importing into a data-analysis tool