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LibAnswers for Libraries - Your Communication Platform

Gain Valuable Insight with the NPS® Module (Optional Add-On)

What's the best way to learn what your patrons think about your library? Ask them! Elevate your LibAnswers customer service platform and better survey your users with the Net Promoter Score℠ Module.

Your New Favorite Feedback Tool


What Is NPS®?

Net Promoter Score℠ is an industry-standard metric used to gauge satisfaction with an institution's services, products, or the institution overall. Each response includes a rating on a 0-10 scale, plus any comments from an optional follow-up question.

The NPS® Module gives you the tools to:

  • Create unlimited surveys tailored to your institution.
  • Bring your surveys to the patron at the point-of-service.
  • Understand your unhappy patrons, then make targeted improvements.
  • Review positive comments to give your fans more of what they want.
  • Track your institution's scores over time.

Why NPS®? NPS's appeal lies in its standardized simplicity!

Survey setup is quick and painless, and the standardized 0-10 rating scale allows you to easily analyze responses, make comparisons, and measure patron satisfaction over time.

The NPS® Calculation

LibAnswers automatically calculates your NPS® based on how patrons respond to your surveys. Your scores can range from a low of -100 (if every patron is a Detractor) to a high of 100 (if every patron is a Promoter).

Detractors (score 0-6)

Dissatisfied patrons who can potentially harm your library's reputation through negative word-of-mouth.

Passives (score 7-8)

Satisfied but unenthusiastic patrons who won't positively or negatively affect your institution's reputation.

Promoters (score 9-10)

Cheerleaders who will promote your services to others – pay attention to what they like so you can keep up the good work!

Set Up Your First NPS® Survey in Minutes!

Create unlimited NPS® surveys with customization options:

  1. Decide what you want feedback on. Tailor your survey to different library services, departments, events, branches, resources, the institution overall – the possibilities are endless!
  2. Build your survey. Customize your rating prompt, choose whether to ask a follow-up question, add a logo for branding, and more.
  3. Distribute the survey to your patrons. Use the module's built-in tools and watch the responses start rolling in.
  4. Analyze your survey ratings and comments. The filters on your NPS® Reports dashboard let you see how different sources, surveys, or email campaigns impact the score.

Getting Your Surveys in Front of Your Patrons

You've got plenty of options for where, when, and how to collect survey responses!

  • Embed a pop-up or button widget in any of your library's webpages. 
  • Set up customized one-time or recurring email campaigns
    • Bonus: NPS® email campaigns can integrate with LibAnswers and LibCal! With one click, pull in patron email addresses from recent interactions in any of your LibAnswers or LibCal modules.  
  • Share a survey's direct URL in your email signature, a social media post, or other communication.
  • Turn on NPS® in a LibAnswers ticket queue's Quality of Service settings. 
  • Use an NPS® survey in any of your LibChat widgets.

Your Net Promoter Score℠ Statistics & Reports

Robust tools to help you keep an eye on your scores.


Review your Score Statistics filtered by source, submission date, survey, and email campaign

Survey Responses show any comments and respondents' email addresses for follow-up

Cross Tab Analysis compares ratings and scores from up to four email campaigns at once

Spot trends with the exportable Word Cloud of the 25 most used terms in your response data

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter ScoreSM and Net Promoter SystemSM are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.